The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 18, Number 6
Oct 1994


Irene Brückle has been appointed assistant professor of paper conservation in the Art Conservation Department of the State University College at Buffalo.

Donald Pierce received the Professional Picture Framers Association (PPFA)'s Award of Distinction for Leadership at its recent convention.

Colin Pearson has been made an Officer of the Order of Australia for service to conservation, particularly in relation to historic artifacts, and has been appointed Professor in Cultural Heritage Conservation at the University of Canberra.

Miriam B. Kahn has moved. Her new address is MBK Consulting, 60 N. Harding Rd., Columbus, OH 43209 (614/239-8977).

Beatrix Kastaly (National Széchény Library, Budapest) is the new head of the IFLA Section on Conservation.

Stephanie Watkins has been promoted to head the conservation lab of the Missouri State Archives and Local Records Program.

Rachel Ward and Cathy Atwood joined the conservation lab of the Missouri State Archives and Local Records Pro-gram in September. Ms. Ward was previously volunteering at Heugh-Edmondson Conservation Services in Kansas City; Ms. Atwood was previously employed at the Nebraska State Historical Society in Lincoln.

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