Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology

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Ratcliff, John

A bookbinder of Colonial America who came to this country from England between 1661 and 1663 to bind copies of the Indian Bible of John Eliot. A number of other books exist that documentary evidence indicates were bound by Ratcliff, including a blind-tooled binding executed in 1677, as well as a binding produced two years later, which was tooled in gold with the same tools. Ratcliff sewed his books on both raised and sawn-in cords (thongs), gilded the edges of some of his bindings, used marble endpapers, and covered the books in leather. Nothing is known of John Ratcliff after 1632, and it is surmised that he returned to England in that year. (171 , 200 , 301 )

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