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Re: arsclist Need: Transfer reel to reel audio to CD

At 06:43 PM 7/8/2002 -0700, Nat Abrams wrote:

Is there a service that will transfer a few 6" audio reels to a CD?

There are such services but they are very costly. Your best bet is to find someone locally. Surely, a student at your school has the resources and can be 'bought' for a pizza. If there is much cleanup to be done, you will want someone with proven techniques - and the higher the skill, the higher the price and the fewer candidates will be around. Since there's substantial risk in transporting the source material, you should look for a local source.

I do this sort of thing for material of interest to me (largely, classical vocal recordings), but only on a volunteer basis. I recommend that anyone sending irreplaceable material in my direction make a backup first, though with some formats, particularly old open-reel tape, that can be a substantial problem in itself.

Incidentally, I'm not familiar with six-inch tapes. Standard reel sizes are seven-, five- and three-inch.



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